Where I’ve been

I haven’t posted anything lately, because I was too busy doing other things… No excuses, just very lazy!

I went to Egypt with my mom and had a great week! To Belgium to visit an old friend who was getting married. To the beach with my cousin and had a sleepover with my friend Isis. I went to the Metropolis Festival in Rotterdam where I got my Cookie Monster airbrush tattoo xD. To a kinda festival in the city Schiedam with my friend and 3 of her 4 adorable kids. I started a new job: Reporter for the local tv channel. My best friend Matthijs got his first apartment so we’ve been working there to make it look good and: I GOT MY VERY FIRST MOTORCYCLE. My life’s been so good this month. I’ll post more about the most important events but for now some pictures of this month. I’m back!

Egypt with my mom

Egypt with my mom

My Honda Rebel

My Honda Rebel

Belgium with Lorenzo

Belgium with Lorenzo


Metropolis Festival Rotterdam

Metropolis Festival Rotterdam

Hoek van Holland

Hoek van Holland

Beach with Isis

Beach with Isis

My bf's house

Matt’s house

First time as a reporter

First time as a reporter